
Christopher Peter Meloni is an American actor, popular for his roles in well-known show 'Law and Order' on television. Special Victims Unit. He identified his interest towards acting during his time in the college classroom and then studied acting at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He's appeared in the television and film industry, but it was his smaller-screen roles that brought him fame and an extensive fan base. There is no doubt that his talent is acting as characters that have both positive and negative sides. Also, he knows how attract an audience. The first show he worked on was a serial on television, but later he played the role a NYPD detective. The small screen performances of his were rewarded with numerous Emmy Awards nominations and PRISM Awards. The most appealing feature of his face is thought to be his stunning blue eyes which are regarded to be a signature and has helped in depicting rough characters with charisma. He was listed in People magazine's list of Sexiest Men Alive in 2006.

Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni Christopher-Meloni


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